Dreaming of Summer

As we are under yet another (and hopefully last) winter storm warning. It makes me want to swear I’m so upset by this! If there is one thing I dislike more than snow in Spring, it’s ICE! And we are going to get a lot of it. *sigh*

I started my morning with a pretty intense workout, got the blood flowing and my muscles aching!

And now I’m dreaming of summer vacations and looking at pictures from last summer’s camping trip to get me through the next two days of cold, ice and overall nastiness.

And with that, I’m off to make sure we have plenty of groceries, gas for the generator and anything else we may need.

Posted on March 22, 2011, in 2011, Beachbody, ChaLEAN Extreme, Exercise, Snow Day. Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. Wow I can’t believe you have a winter storm warning! It is definitely almost Spring here in DC! =)

  2. Yuck! Where do you live? I’m from WI, and I’m pretty sure my family is undergoing the same weather right now!!! I have been dreaming of vacations too… I want one so bad!!! Way to wake up and get your workout on, though! That is impressive… I’m no early bird πŸ™‚

    • I’m in Michigan. Just wondering if the kiddies are going to have school or not this morning. The temp is right at 32 right now, so we’ll see what happens in the next hour or so.

      I was never an early bird until I had kids, now it’s the only time of day I can be alone πŸ™‚

  3. Guess what? We’re getting a rain/snow mix tomorrow too! 😦

    ps. that 3rd picture of you is AWESOME! I love it! πŸ™‚

  4. Girl, it was 80 today. I would gladly send you some of this weather since I think it’s way too hot here for March. Good luck πŸ™‚

  5. Im dreaming of summer too *sigh* were so close!!!!!!

  6. Ugh. stupid winter and ice coming back!!!! I’m SO over it!

  7. a taste of health with balance

    im in the same boat as you jen!! UGHHH!! cant stand this snow anymore its like a blizzard out there, covering up my flowers that were just coming up 😦

  8. It snowed yesterday. I am over it. Come onnn summer!

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